The black the white the gray of life

The black the white the gray of life

Monday, August 8, 2011

Aged in love

Hell let’s forget the world,
Leave careworn smiles behind.
Here’s to the pastel skies,
Shedding their icy cold,
Melting, like ice floating in a glass full of youth.

Hell let’s forget the world,
Delve into sins,
Triumphant and graceful...
Locked like a bracelet,
Cheering on together,
Up and down the wrist of life!

Hell let’s forget the world,
Silver in age,
Traverse adventures and commit innocent crimes.
Until oblivion conquers us,
And beauty becomes a matter of the mind.

Hell let’s forget the world,
Leave careworn smiles behind.
Who knows…?
When the old woman dies young…
The young man’s old memories shall keep him alive!


  1. Relinquishing rhyme has done you good. This is a good one with some interesting similes:'locked like a bracelet/cheering on together/up and down the wrist of life'and 'melting, like ice floating in a glass full of youth'.

    'Delve into sins' and 'commit innocent crimes' are certainly good intentions, when formulated by persons basically good.

    Liked this poem a lot. Keep writiing

  2. @Syed Thank you very much for reading my poem with such a keen and observant attitude. I'm all respects :)
