The black the white the gray of life

The black the white the gray of life

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I’m falling…deep into an endless reverie. A storm my thumping, hopeful heart whirrs up. The adrenaline rushing through my veins is my only companion. The last time I climbed up a cloud, I was tempted by its height, its towering pride. I took an audacious leap, hardly knowing I will end up just hanging onto the edge of faith.
Regret I have deserted, the wind is making love to my ears. Fiercely, passion overcomes my once stagnant hormones…so submissively I grace this reverie. This memoir of a saga sought after, end after end, beginning after beginning. I close my eyes, like when pleasure inundates my heart throbbing for this escape. The wind still hasn’t had enough of me…nuzzling my ear like a pointed nose, reminding me of my love adored.
This is just foreplay, for memories are amulets, they will, they stay…warding off evil. Suddenly my spirit chimes, as it welcomes a dream divine. A reverie inside a reverie, me fluttering like a curtain at a window pane. My soul is at the bottom of this reverie, unsung, floating like piano keys. Notes of magical love embrace my soul, and I see, beside the fog unruly, I see…my soulmate, my alter ego dressed in all loyalty. We play. We toss the notes in the air, we spurt the magic of love in the caked, saline flower pots at the window pane. Giggling, in the aroma of joy we play musical chair. It’s amazing; just two souls that love has encompassed are wound yet free in this game. There is no victory, there is no defeat, and love is agile. Realization dawns upon me and I melt completely into this dream…only to believe that the charm is an endless game of musical chair, unbound by time into a life beyond life.